Just derby things

It’s a long-standing joke in the derby community that we have a few traditions and quirks that, while normalized for us, may not be considered socially acceptable by others. Look up any ‘Sh!t Derby Girls Say’ video on youtube and you’ll find jokes aplenty about stinky pads, getting lower and finding more black/ white people. Cliche it may be, this observational-style humor strikes a chord with all of us simply because we know how ridiculous some of our behaviours and traditions are, which makes us love them even more. So, here are a few of the observations I have made over the last year or so that amused me, hopefully they’ll amuse you too. I present #justderbythings





Fighting through the layers of tights/ compression pants/ hotpants etc to have a nervous pee before a bout #justderbythings

Going through all the bout photos, only to realise you have derp-face in every single one #justderbythings

Finding the perfect bout photo, only to realise the flash made your pants see-through #justderbythings

Wearing hotpants/ leggings to social events because you came straight from training #justderbythings

And something that I know I say quite regularly:


So have any of these happened to you? What amuses you about derby?